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With the discovery of hardwood flooring under the carpet, it was an easy decision for Terry to lead the charge to rescue it.
But as with all repairs and projects at The Falls View, being a hundred year old building, you have to be prepared for surprises (usually unpleasant & costly ones).
We immediately discovered the first one to be that the floor was covered with a variety of materials includi
Next surprise! Twelve feet of Old repair to rotted floor removed. Half of it open to the "basement", watch your step!
Discussion briefly reopened about the cost effectiveness of continuing with the wood floor vs carpet.
Terry: "No carpet"
Discussion over.
Patch done. Had the presence of mind to pre-sand the area around the pole but not up next to the bar.
Unfinished flooring would have to have been ordered, we had to take the finished and sand it.
At this point we are using a belt sander and the roughest sandpaper we can find which is 36 grit. (Number represents how much grit per inch with a low number being rough and a high number being finer.
There was a week-long search for a "magic bullet" (during which there was another brief discussion about the sanity of it all, laminate flooring this time) the search resulted in a 17" buffer with a sander attachment. Fortunately for us, after a dozen discs of it, the rental place ran out of the 36 grit, the roughest they had, forcing us to seek out other sources. Terry found a silver bullet in th
This was the original project and we're not even ready to talk about it yet. Also the tables are being refinished.
Additionally, another area was discovered that needed to be patched which temporarily delayed the sanding process.
The repair in front of the bar could have been expected, but the second area, oddly enough, was the middle table on the west wall. Hmmmm.
Interesting note: The locatio
The wood is starting to look good!
No one, including me, was really a believer when it came to recovering the use of the wood floor. Terry Bee had faith since we found the wood flooring under the carpet. It's been a lot of work, and sandpaper, and it's going to be some more days of sanding yet.
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